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Duduan 獨斷 "All about rulership", by Cai Yong 蔡邕

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The small book Duduan (a term that means "dictatorship" in modern Chinese) was written by the Later Han 後漢 scholar Cai Yong who is very known as politician who tried to save the weak Han emperors to gain back their authority. With his book he defines titles, names and terms of the Han Dynasty court life.
The correct title of the Son of Heaven, since the Han Dynasty, is August Emperor (huangdi), he calls himself "we" (zhen), the ministers and the people call him "Below the Steps" (Your Majesty; bixia). His statements are called institutions (zhi) and proclamations (zhao). The historiographers call him "His Highness" (shang). His carts, horses, clothing and the many objects he uses, are called (abbreviated) "Imperial Chariots". The location he stays, is called "His Presence" (xingzaisuo), his living quarters are called "The Forbidden" (jinzhong), the backrooms are called "His Quarters" (shengzhong). The imperial seals are called xi. The location he goes to is called "The Delighted", and where he enters, is called "The Imperial" (yu). His orders are: First, expository writings; second, institutional writings; third, proclamation writings; and fourth, disciplinary writings.
August Emperor, the August, Prince (King), Empress, and Emperor, are all titles of rulers. The oldest Sons of Heaven, Baoxi (Fuxi 伏犧), and the Holy Peasant Shennong, were called the Augusts (huang); Yao and Shun were called emperors (di); the rulers of Xia, Yin (Shang), and Zhou were called kings. At the end of the Zhou Dynasty, Qin inherited the rulership, but it was vanquished by Han. A ruler who is able to unify the virtue of the Three Augusts (Fuxi, Shennong, the Yellow Emperor 黃帝) and to embrace the merits of the Five Emperors (Shaohao 少昊, Zhuanxu 顓頊, Diku 帝嚳, Yao, Shun), can combine these two titles to the expression August Emperor. When Han Gaozu obtained the Heavenly Mandate, his virtue was just completing this objection, and therefore, he did not alter the title (invented by the First Emperor of Qin). [...]
August Emperor is the highest title of honor. "August" (huang) means "brilliant" (huang), the ruler is bright and brilliant with overflowing virtue that reaches every point on earth. Emperor (di) means "truly attentive" (di) in observing the Heavenly Way and obediently serving Heaven. This is why the ruler is called August Emperor (huangdi).
[...] The Book of Changes says, "The Emperor comes out the Thunder". Thunder is the element wood. That means that Mixi (Fuxi) started to reign under the motto of the virtue of Wood. Wood changes to the element fire, and this is why Shennong continued the reign of Fuxi under the motto of the virtue of Fire. Fire changes to Earth, and this is why the Yellow Emperor continued the reign of Shennong under the motto of the virtue of Earth. Earth changes to Metal, and this is why Shaohao continued the reign of the Yellow Emperor under the motto of the virtue of Metal [... The cycle continues with Zhuanxu (Water), Diku (Wood), Yao (Fire), Shun (Earth), Yu the Great 大禹 (Xia Dynasty; Metal)...] Metal changes to Water, and this is why Tang the Yin (Shang) Dynasty continued the reign of the Xia Dynasty under the motto of the virtue of Water. Water changes to Wood, and this is why King Wu of the Zhou Dynasty continued the Shang Dynasty under the motto of the virtue of Wood. Wood changes to Fire, and this is why Emperor Han Gaozu continues the Zhou Dynasty (Qin is left out) under the motto of the virtue of Fire [...]
The wife of the Emperor is called Empress (huanghou), his mother is called Empress Widow (huang taihou), his grand mother is called Great Empress Widow (taihuang taihou), and the titles and names of these are all the same like for the emperor. Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, it is custom that the Empress Widow replaces a minor emperor and takes over the politics for him. But the documents she releases are called proclamations, not institutions. At the begin of Han, after Emperor Huidi died, the boy Hong became emperor, and Empress Widow (Lü) took over the regency for him [...] If an empress widow takes over regency, she openly faces the ministers in the audience hall, she faces to the east, while the minor emperor faces to the west. The ministers and officials presenting their memorials, prepare two copies, one is presented to the empress widow, and one to the minor emperor.
[...] To the governmental institutions of the Han Dynasty belongs the enfeoffment of imperial princes to kings, what is in fact nothing else than the old vassal system. In the last centuries of Zhou Dynasty, the vassals (dukes, marquis) started to call themselves king; and because the Son of Heaven of Han Dynasty is called emperor, the dignity of king was added as a collective designation for vassals. The sons of imperial princes are enfeoffed as marquis. These people the imperial line are called zhuhou marquis, while meritorious ministers and officials are enfeoffed as chehou marquis, a title that was later changed to tonghou marquis because Che was the surname of Emperor Wudi.
The posthumous titles of the emperors are:
Disobedient rulers not fulfilling their task are called Yin, "The Retiring".[...]
Sociable rulers loving their people are called Hui, "The Benevolent".
Holy and wise rulers with civil relations are called Xuan, "The Propagator".
A ruler whose voice is strong and far-reaching is called Zhao, "The Prominent".
Rulers able to settle upraisings and quarrels, are called Wu, "The Martial".[...]
Skilled rulers able to span their virtuous net over the whole world, are called Wen, "The Cultured". [...]

;August" (Emperor) is a similar title, "August" means a Lord, a beautiful (concerning virtues) and great person. Heaven admires his beauty and greatness, because it comes to the right time and with the appropriate quality. Bestowing the title of the August means, that the bearer is bright and scintillating, and no person would dare to oppose him. [...]
Natural desaster and calamities
Heaven uses natural desasters and calamities as a means to enlighten the lord of men of his (wrong) behaviour, to make him repenting, thinking about himself and to ameliorate his behaviour. The Yuanshenqi ("Contract with the Spirit's aid") says: "If (the ruler's) good virtue is lacking in some points, and his spirit is opposing Heaven's will, Heaven will express this feelings misbehaviour to admonish the ruler." [...]
The Three Major and Six Minor Principles
The Three Main Ropes (gang) are the relationships between lord and minister, between father and son, and between man and wife. The Six Binding Threads (ji) are the relationships between father and father, between older and younger brother, between clanspeople, between uncle and uncle, between teacher and teacher, and between friend and friend. The lord is the guideline for his minister, the father the guideline for his son, and the man a guideline for his wife. We can also say, to respect father and elder brother, is a behaviour representing the thread for the right way of social order. Uncles have a righteous position, clansmen have a different grade, elder and younger brothers have an intimate relationship, teachers venerate each other, and friends have common remembrances. The Main Ropes serve to extend and to display the social relationships, the Binding Threads serve to create order between these relationships. The big Ropes and the small Threads will differentiate and arrange upper and lower and will level the human ways on the appropriate path.