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Chinese Literature - Confucian Writings

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Kongzi jiyu 孔子集語 "Collected Sayings of Confucius"

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A collection of sayings attributed to Confucius and his disciples, composed by the Song scholar Xue Ju 薛據. There is a very different second version by the early 19th century scholar Sun Xingyan 孫星衍. The chapters of the Xue version are:
1.易者 Yizhe About the Book of Changes
2.子貢 Disciple Zigong
3.孔子御 Kongzi Yu Confucius was sitting in attention
4.持盈 Chiying Modest and Humble
5.子觀 Ziguan The Master was admiring
6.公父文伯 Gongfu Wenbo
7.六藝 Liuyi The Six Classical Arts
8.依賢 Yixian Relying on Wisdom
9.漆雕氏 Qidiao Shi Master Handicraft
10.楚昭王 King Chu Zhaowang
11.子出衛 Zi Chu Wey The Master Left Wey
12.顏叔子 Yan Shuzi
13.齊侯問 Qi Hou Wen The Questions of the Marquis of Qi
14.文王 King Wenwang
15.齊桓公 Duke Qi Huangong
16.公索氏 Gongsu Shi
17.子夏問 Zixia Wen The Questions of Disciple Zixia
18.楚伐陳 Chu Fa Chen Chu attacked Chen
19.孔子先 Kongzi Xian Confucius' Ancestor
20.曾子 Disciple Zengzi
The Sun version chapters are:
1.勸學 Quanxue Exhortation to Study
2.孝本 Xiaoben The Origin of Filial Piety
3.五性 Wuxing The Five Tempers
4.-5.六藝 Liuyi The Six Classical Arts 1-2
6.主德 Zhude The Virtue of the Ruler
7.臣術 Chenshu The Skills of the Ministers
8.交道 Jiaodao The Way of Social Contact
9.論人 Lunren On Man
10.論政 Lunzheng On Government
11.博物 Bowu On the Many Objects
12.事譜 Shipu Records of Services 1-2
13.雜事 Zashi Miscellaneous Services
14.遺讖 Yichen Forgotten Prophecies
15.-16.寓言 Yuyan Allegories 1-2
