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Chinese History - Zhou Dynasty 周代 (11th cent.-221 BC)

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Zhou Dynasty
Zhao 趙 and Zhongshan 中山

period before (Shang)
Zhou Dynasty
--Zhou feudal lords
next period (Qin)
Map and Geography I
Map and Geography II
Map and Geography III

The rulers of Zhao are said to be relatives of the Qin 秦 rulers. They served the rulers of Jin 晉 in the area of modern Shanxi province as viscounts (zi 子). After severe struggles the rulers of Zhao, Wei 魏, and Han 韓 divided the territory of Jin in 453 BC and in 403 were allowed to adopt the title of marquis (hou 侯). The capital of Zhao, Handan 邯鄲 was famous for its economic activities. While in the first part of the Warring States (Zhanguo) 戰國 period Zhao often united with Han and Wei against other states, Wei became one of the most prominent enemies of Zhao in the 4th century. Zhao constructed fortification walls in the north against intruding steppe tribes. Under King Wuling 趙武靈王 and his advisor Fei Yi 肥義 military and administrative reform were undertaken, and in 296 the neighboring state of Zhongshan 中山 could finally be destroyed. In 287 Zhao took part in the great coalition against Qin, but in the battle of Huayang 華陽 in 273 the Wei and Zhao armies were badly defeated by Qin, a similar massacre took place in 260 near Changping 長平. After Qin had destroyed Zhao in 228 Prince Jia 嘉 proclaimed himself King of Dai 代 whose territory was occupied by Qin in 222 BC.
The name of the old state of Zhao only rarely as name for a dynasty (two of the Sixteen "Barbarian" Kingdoms Shiliuguo 十六國), only for imperial princedoms.

Rulers of Zhao

Capitals: Zhao 趙 (near modern Huoxian 霍縣/Shanxi), Jinyang 晉陽 (near modern Taiyuan 太原/Shanxi), Zhongmou 中牟 (near modern Hebi 鶴壁/Hebei), Handan 邯鄲/Hebei
Ji Sheng 季勝 (a brother of ruler Wulai of Qin)
Mengzeng 孟增
Gaolang 皋狼
Hengfu 衡父
Zaofu 造父
Yanfu Gongzhong 奄父公仲
Shu Dai 叔帶
Zhao Su 趙夙
Ying Gongmeng (嬴)共孟
Zhao Shuai 趙衰 (Ying Shuai 嬴衰)
Zhao Zhi 趙盾
Zhao Zhuangzi 趙莊子 (Ying Shuo 嬴朔)
Zhao Wu(wenzi) 趙武(文)子 (Ying Wu 嬴武)
Zhao Jingzi 趙景子 (Ying Cheng 嬴成)
Zhao Jianzi 趙簡子 (Ying Yang 嬴鞅)517-458
Zhao Xiangzi 趙襄子 (Ying Wuxu 嬴無卹)457-425
Zhao Huanzi 趙桓子 (Ying Jia 嬴嘉)424
Zhao Xianzi 趙獻子 (Ying Wan 嬴浣)423-409
Zhao Liehou 趙烈侯 (Ying Ji 嬴籍)408-400
Zhao Wuhou 趙武侯399-387
Zhao Jinghou 趙敬侯 (Ying Zhang 嬴章)386-375
Zhao Chenghou 趙成侯 (Ying Zhong 嬴種)374-350
Zhao Suhou 趙肅侯 (Ying Yu 嬴語)349-326
Zhao Wulingwang 趙武靈王 (Ying Yong 嬴雍)325-299
Zhao Huiwenwang 趙惠文王 (Ying He 嬴何)298-266
Zhao Xiaochengwang 趙孝成王 (Ying Dan 嬴丹)265-245
Zhao Daoxiangwang 趙悼襄王 (Ying Yan 嬴偃)244-236
Zhao Youmiuwang 趙幽繆王(Ying Qian 嬴遷)235-228
Ying Jia, King of Dai 代王(嬴)嘉

222 Zhao (Dai) destroyed by Qin


This state that was founded sometime during the Spring and Autumn (Chunqiu 春秋) period is said to be of Non-Chinese origin, founded by "White Di" 白狄 as a fiefdom called Xianyu 鮮虞. Zhongshan had often military conflicts with the neighboring state of Jin 晉. In 408 the kingdom of Zhongshan was destroyed by Wei 魏 but again could develop strength during the 4th century BC and was often attacked by Zhao 趙 and Qi 齊. In 323 the rulers of Zhongshan called themselves king (wang 王). After a long period of permanent war with Zhao, Zhongshan was destroyed in 295.

Rulers of Zhongshan

Capitals: Gu 顧 (modern Dingxian 定縣/Hebei), Lingshou 靈壽/Hebei
Zhongshan Wugong 中山武公 (a grandson of King Zhou Dingwang)414-
...5 generations...

295 destroyed by Zhao

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