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Chinese History - Zhou Dynasty 周代 (11th cent.-221 BC)

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Zhou Dynasty
Jin 晉

period before (Shang)
Zhou Dynasty
--Zhou feudal lords
next period (Qin)
Map and Geography I
Map and Geography II
Map and Geography III

叔虞 Shuyu, a brother of King Zhou Chengwang 周成王, was enfeoffed with Tang 唐, his son with Jin 晉, in the area of modern Shanxi province. As a state supporting the King Pingwang 周平王 when he had to escape to the east in 770, Jin was still one of the most important states of the Spring and Autumn (Chunqiu) 春秋 period but soon lost this position when the nobility of the ducal sideline fought for territorial and political power. The barons of Quwo 曲沃 usurped the throne of Jin in 679 BC and made Jin a powerful state swallowing the minor fiefdoms of Geng 耿, Huo 霍, Wei 魏, Yu 虞, and Huo 虢. Duke Wen 晉文公 is summoned as one of the five hegemons (wuba 五霸) of the Spring and Autumn period, but the reign of Duke Lingong 晉厲公 on the political power fell into the hands of the nobility, and the clans of Xi 郤, Luan 欒, Zhongxing 中行, Fan 范, Zhi 智, Han 韓, Wei 魏,and Zhao 趙 fought for political independance Jin. In 452 Han, Wei, and Zhao (called the "Three Jin" Sanjin 三晉) divided the territory of Jin among each other, an event that is later interpreted as the begin of the Warring States (Zhanguo) 戰國 period. In 403 the Zhou kings officially enfeoffed the three nobles, and in 376 Jin was finally destroyed.
The name of the state of Jin served as the name of numerous princedoms and was used by the Jin Dynasty and one of the Five Dynasties.

Rulers of Jin

Capitals: Tang 唐 (near modern Yicheng 翼城/Shanxi), E 鄂 (modern Xiangning 鄉寧/Shanxi), Quwo 曲沃 (near modern Wenxi 聞喜/Shanxi), Jiang 絳 (Yi 翼; near modern Yicheng), Xintian 新田 (modern Houma 侯馬/Shanxi), Tunliu 屯留/Shanxi, Duanshi 端氏 (NE of modern 沁水 Qinshui/Shanxi)
唐叔虞 Shuyu, Ruler of Tang (brother of King Zhou Chengwang)
Ji Bian, Marquis of Jin 晉侯( 姬)燮
Jin Wuhou 晉武侯 (Ji Ningzu 姬寧族)
Jin Chenghou 晉成侯 (Ji Furen 姬服人)
Jin Lihou 晉厲侯 (Ji Fu 姬福)
Jin Jinghou 晉靖侯 (Ji Yijiu 姬宜臼)859-841
Jin Xihou 晉釐侯 or 僖侯 (Ji Situ 姬司徒)840-823
Jin Xianhou 晉獻侯 (Ji Ji 姬籍)822-812
Jin Muhou 晉穆侯 (Ji Fusheng 姬弗生)811-785
(Ji) Shangshu, Ruler of Jin 晉(姬)殤叔
Ji Chengshi 姬成師, Huanshu 桓叔, enfeoffed with Quwo 曲沃
Jin Wenhou 晉文侯 (Ji Chou 姬仇)780-746
Jin Zhaohou 晉昭侯 (Ji Bo 姬伯)
曲沃莊伯 Quwo Zhuangbo (Ji Shan 姬鱓)
Jin Xiaohou 晉孝侯 (Ji Ping 姬平)739-724
Jin Ehou 晉鄂侯 (Ji Xi 姬郄)
Quwo Zhuangbo 曲沃莊伯
Jin Aihou晉哀侯 (Ji Guang 姬光)717-710
The Minor Marquis of Jin 晉小子侯709-706
Jin Yihou 晉翼侯 (Ji Min 姬湣)
曲沃武公 Quwo Wugong (Ji Cheng 姬稱)
Jin Xiangong 晉獻公 (Ji Guizhu 姬佹諸)676-651
Jin Huigong 晉惠公 (Ji Yiwu 姬夷吾)650-637
Jin Huaigong 晉懷公 (Ji Yu 姬圉)637
Jin Wengong 晉文公 (Ji Chonger 姬重耳)636-628
Jin Xianggong (1) 晉襄公 (Ji Guan 姬讙)627-621
Jin Linggong 晉靈公 (Ji Yigao 姬夷臯)620-607
Jin Chenggong 晉成公 (Ji Heitun 姬黑臀)606-600
Jin Jinggong 晉景公 (Ji Nou 姬獳)599-581
Jin Ligong 晉厲公 (Ji Zhoupu 姬州蒲)580-573
Jin Xianggong 晉襄公 again573
Jin Daogong 晉悼公 (Ji Zhou 姬周)572-558
Jin Pinggong 晉平公 (Ji Biao 姬彪)557-532
Jin Zhaogong 晉昭公 (Ji Yi 姬夷)531-526
Jin Qinggong 晉頃公 (Ji Qubing 姬去病)525-512
Jin Dinggong 晉定公 (Ji Wu 姬午)

Jin dominated by the Six Feudal Clans Liuqing 六卿: Han (Hann) 韓, Zhao 趙, Wei 魏, Fan 范, Zhongxing 中行, and Zhi 智 (知)

Jin Chugong 晉出公 (Ji Zao 姬鑿)474-457
Jin Aigong 晉哀公 (Ji Jiao 姬驕)456-438
Jin Yougong 晉幽公 (Ji Liu 姬柳)437-420
Jin Liegong 晉烈公 (Ji Zhi 姬止)419-393
Jin Xiaogong 晉孝公 or Huangong 桓公 (Ji Qi 姬頎)392-378
Jin Jinggong 晉靜公 (Ji Jujiu 姬俱酒)

376 Jin destroyed by the Three Feudal Clans Hann, Wei, and Zhao "Three Jin" 三晉


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