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Theobald">Chinese Literature - theatre plays, drama, opera ()

A universal guide for China studies

Chinese Literature - Theatre Plays, Drama, Opera

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Literature A to Z
Literature by time
Literature by theme
Literature by the 4 categories
西廂記Xixiangji王實甫 Wang Shifu or
關漢卿 Han Guanqing
黃粱夢Huangliangmeng馬致遠 Ma Zhiyuan
漢宮秋Hangongqiu馬致遠 Ma Zhiyuan
琵琶記Pipaji高明 Gao Ming
牡丹亭Mudanting湯顯祖 Tang Xianzu
長生殿Changshengdian洪昇 Hong Sheng
桃花扇Taohuashan孔尚任 Kong Shangren
雷雨Leiyu曹禺 Cao Yu
茶館Chaguan老舍 Lao She (Laoshe)
海瑞罷官Hai Rui ba guan吳晗 Wu Han