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Chinese History - The Ten Kingdoms 十國 (902-979)

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The Ten Kingdoms
Wu 吳

period before (Tang)
-- Five Dynasties
next period (Song)
Map and Geography

Yang Xingmi 楊行密, regional inspector (cishi 刺史) of Luzhou 廬州 as follower of the military commissioner (jiedushi 節度使) of Huainan 淮南 (north of modern Jiangsu), Gao Pian 高駢, showed his military talent and power during the fights in the Yangtse-Huainan area. In 892 he was installed as military commissioner and engaged in several fieceful campaigns against the empire of Later Liang (Houliang 後梁) in the north and Wu-Yue 吳越 in the southeast. Although the region of the lower Yangtse area is very rich and abundand by natural resources, the permanent warfare contributed to the devastation of this region. 902 on, when he was officially enfeoffed as king of Wu 吳, he started to reconstruct the economy. After his dead in 905 (posthumous Wu Taizu 吳太祖 - see titles of emperors), his sons and successors were controlled by mighty generals like Zhang Hao 張顥 and Xu Wen 徐溫. Yang Xingmi’s son Yang Pu 楊溥 (posthumous Wu Ruidi 吳睿帝) proclaimed himself emperor in 927. Xu Wen’s son Xu Zhihao 徐知浩 deposed Yang Pu and founded his own dynasty called Qi 齊 (i.e. Southern Tang, Nantang 南唐) in 937.

See also titles of rulers.

Wu 吳 (also called Huainan 淮南; 902-937)

Capital: Guangling 廣陵 or Jiangdu 江都 (modern Yangzhou 揚州/Jiangsu)

temple name
-----reign mottos (begin)

dynastic title

personal name


Wu Taizu 吳太祖
-----Tianfu 天復 901/2
-----Tianyou 天祐 904
Wu Xiaowudi 吳孝武帝Yang Xingmi 楊行密901/2-905
Wu Liezu 吳烈祖Wu Jingwang 吳景王Yang Wo 楊渥905-908
Wu Gaozu 吳高祖
-----Wuyi 武義 919
Wu Xuandi 吳宣帝Yang Longyan 楊隆演 (or Ying 瀛, Wei 渭)908-920
Wu Ruidi 吳睿帝
-----Shuyi 順義 921
-----Qianzhen 乾貞 927
-----Dahe 大和 929
-----Tianzuo 天祚 935

conquered by Southern Tang

Yang Fu 楊溥920-937

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/td>Min Tiandedi 天德帝 (Fu Gongyiwang 福恭懿王)
-----Tiande 天德 943Wang Yanzheng 王延政943-945

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