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Chinese History - The Ten Kingdoms 十國 (902-979)

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The Ten Kingdoms
Chu 楚

period before (Tang)
-- Five Dynasties
next period (Song)
Map and Geography

Ma Yin 馬殷 (posthumous Chu Wumuwang 楚武穆王 - see titles of emperors) was a follower of the generals Sun Ru 孫儒 and Liu Jianfeng 劉建鋒 who fought against the rebel Yang Xingmi 楊行密 (later ruler of Wu 吳). In 896 Ma Yin was installed as military commissioner (jiedushi 節度使) of Hunan 湖南, in 907 as king of Chu 楚. His reign was a quite peaceful period with low taxation for the peasantry and salesmen. Chu exported tea and imported silk products and horses. Trade with other regions was only possible by bartering with commodities because the coins of Chu were not valid abroad. Also inside Chu, people were prompted to pay with silk products rather than with coins. After Ma Yin’s death the court was shaken by succession struggles that were only ended when Southern Tang (Nantang 南唐) conquered Chu in 951. The area was occupied by several generals until 962 when the Song 宋 emperor conquered this territory.

See also titles of rulers.

Chu 楚 (926-951)

Capital: Tanzhou 潭州 (modern Changsha 長沙/Hunan)

dynastic title
-----reign mottos (begin)

personal name


Chu Wumuwang 楚武穆王
-----Tiancheng 天成 926
Ma Yin 馬殷926-929
The Prince of Hengyang 衡陽王
-----Changxing 長興 930
Ma Xisheng 馬希聲930-931
Chu Wenzhaowang 楚文昭王
-----Yingshun 應順 934
-----Qingtai 清泰 934
-----Tianfu 天福 936
-----Kaiyun 開運 944
Ma Xifan 馬希範932-946
The Deposed King (Feiwang) 楚廢王
-----Tianfu 天福 (2) 947
-----Qianyou 乾祐 948
Ma Xiguang 馬希廣947-949
Chu Gongxiaowang 楚恭孝王
-----Baoda 保大 950
Ma Xi'e 馬希蕚950-951
The Prince of Chu 楚王Ma Xichong 馬希崇951-962

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