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Chinese History - Zhou Dynasty 周代 (11th cent.-221 BC)

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Zhou Dynasty
event history

period before (Shang)
--The Feudal Lords
next period (Qin)
Map and Geography I
Map and Geography II
Map and Geography III

Western Zhou History - King You and the end of Western Zhou Period - Spring and Autumn Period -The ba hegemonial system - Era of the Warring States - Coalitions to rule the world

An Outline of Western Zhou History

The Western Zhou (Xizhou 西周) period is a highlight of moral government and enlightened rule in the thinking of the Confucianists. In the Zhou Dynasty's eyes, heaven-appointed King Wen "the Cultured" 周文王 received the heavenly mandate (tianming 天命) of overthrow the depraved last king of the Shang Dynasty.
Shang oracle bones and careful examination of the historical texts instead show that the conquest of the Shang area was mere a result of the general eastern expansion of the Zhou people. Myths of the moving of the capital Bin 豳 (or 邠) to Qishan 岐山 or Hao 鎬 are proved archeologically. Around 1150 BC, the Zhou moved the Fen River 汾水 valley in modern Shanxi to the Wei River 渭水 valley in Shaanxi where they settled among the Rong 戎 and Di 狄 barbarians.
After overthrowing the Shang Dynasty (a defeat that must have come quite sudde>
W Yan]
L Yan
後秦 L Qin 後涼 L Liang [仇池 Chouchi]
S Yan
N Yan
W Qin

S Liang
W Liang
N Liang
北魏 N Wei
(S) Qi

東魏 E Wei 西魏 W Wei

(北周)北齊 N Qi 北周 N Zhou
隋 Sui
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