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Chinese History - Eastern Wei Dynasty 東魏 (534-550)

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Eastern Wei Dynasty
event history and rulers

Northern Wei 北魏 (386-534)
Western Wei 西魏 (535-556) and Eastern Wei 東魏 (534-550)
Northern Zhou 北周 (557-581) and Northern Qi 北齊 (550-577)

period before (Jin)
-- Southern Dynasties
-- 16 Kingdoms
next period (Sui)
Map and Geography

Southern and Northern Dynasties overview

Gao Huan 高歡, potentate of the east since 534 - installed Yuan Shanjian 元善見 (posthumous Dongwei Xiaojingdi 東魏孝靜帝 - see titles of emperors), a descendant of the Northern Wei (Beiwei 北魏) empire as ruler of Eastern Wei (Dongwei 東魏) in 534. Yuwen Shanjian was a puppet ruler who stood under the power of the Gao family. Gao Huan had to take measures to obtain the support of the old Tuoba clans as well as of the Chinese magnates. He allowed the Tuoba aristocracy to go back to their traditional customs and to make use of the Xianbi 鮮卑 language (not Xianbei!) that has been prohibited by Emperor Beiwei Xiaowendi 北魏孝文帝, while the Chinese landowners were given fiscal privileges. Several military campaigns against the neighboring Western Wei (Xiwei 西魏) empire were not successful, and in 547 Gao Huan died. His sons Gao Cheng 高澄 and Gao Yang 高洋 pursued his policy of controlling the emperor, but in 550 Gao Yang deposed Yuan Shanjian and founded his own dynasty, the Northern Qi (Beiqi 北齊).

See also titles of rulers.

Eastern Wei (Dongwei) 東魏 (534-550)

Capital: Ye 鄴 (between modern Anyang/Henan and Cixian/Hebei)

dynastic title
-----reign mottos (begin)

personal name


Dongwei Xiaojingdi 東魏孝靜帝
-----Tianping 天平 534
-----Yuanxiang 元象 538
-----Xinghe 興和 539
-----Wuding 武定 543

Regent: Gao Yang 高洋

Yuan Shanjian 元善見534-550

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, who deposed Yuwen Chan and founded his own Dynasty, Sui 隋, in 581.

See also titles of rulers.

Northern Zhou (Beizhou) 北周 (557-581)

Capital: Chang'an 長安 (modern Xi'an/Shaanxi)

dynastic title
----reign mottos (begin)

temple name

personal name


Beizhou Xiaomindi 北周孝閔帝Yuwen Jue 宇文覺557
Beizhou Mingdi 北周明帝
-----Wucheng 武成 559
Beizhou Shizong 北周世宗Yuwen Yu 宇文毓557-560